Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm On the Road!!!

Well, what a coincidence! This week of On the Road in class, I am on the road (well, actually, I was in the air). I'm back home in Peoria for my 21st class reunion. Yes, 21st. Nobody ever got our 20th planned, so here we are with the class of '88. Really, the adventures of Sal & Dean remind me of some of the craziness of my late high school/first aborted attempt at college. Doing what I wanted just because I could. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Going, going, going nowhere. Someone once told me that all those people I called "friends" (nobody take this personally if you know me!) weren't really "friends." More like partners in crime, I guess. Did I lack a moral compass? You betcha! Do I regret the whole period? Not necessarily. I learned what I was capable of. I finally learned self-control. I eventually learned to love myself. Like Sal, I learned that even if you love someone, you don't have to follow them down the destructive path they're on.

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