Sunday, February 3, 2008

Things to Do: Be More Socially Relevant

I am feeling a bit guilty that my blog has turned out to be more of a personal journal, self-analyzing, home-therapy type than a socio-political commentary on the state of our world. This is what comes from using my poetry as a springboard for my comments, I suppose.

However, recent events - specifically the possibility of having an African American candidate for President in the general election - have me thinking about ethnic conflict in America. I mean, sad as it is, it still exists. Some people still hold on to the notion that different means inferior. Get it through your heads people: each of us is different, but we are all human! The thought that some people cannot grasp this sometimes sends me to the brink of despair. I, however, still have hope that we (humanity) can get beyond this. I doubt that I'll live to see it, but I do believe it will happen. Can't say the same for everyone else, though.

Never Say Never

I refuse
I reject
The brick wall of never.

Word of terrible weight
Depressing, strangling
Barrier to possibilities.
Never brings tears to eyes
Hopelessness to hearts
Shrivels belief
Kills promise.

I prefer
I embrace
Not in my lifetime
Not in the foreseeable future
Not until human hearts can be open.

Never is eternal
Guilt and regret
The sins of the parents
Visited on the sons and daughters
The nation
In perpetuity.

Give me a someday
A brilliant future
Of hope, light, and harmony.

But I will never accept never.


Anonymous said...

One word. WOW!

This is an incredibly inspirational piece. Thank you for reminding me of the importance, the weight of a single word.


Anonymous said...

that reminds me of

"and then they came for me..."