While I was reading about fibromyalgia at the Mayo Clinic website, I learned that moodiness, anxiety, and depression, which I have been experiencing with increasing frequency over the years, are also symptoms.
So, this leads to another poem. When I started writing it, it was kind of a joke. I've mentioned before my desire to hide under things when I get stressed out. I'm not kidding. Whether it's a school desk, my desk at home, or the bed, if I'm feeling stressed, I imagine myself climbing underneath and hiding. I haven't done it yet. I guess the day it actually happens will be the day I know I have to get help. I've been trying to write about it for a while. I tried a short story, then a poem. The poem did not have the wry humorous tone I was shooting for. It was the first time I realized there actually might something serious beneath (no pun intended) my strange pre-occupation.
letting go
i did it –
finally stopped struggling
gravity got me after all –
pulled me right under

finally stopped struggling
i’d held my ground so many times
pulled me right under
the dragging weight – at last
i’d held my ground so many times
voices clamored from every corner
the dragging weight – at last
comes the call, irresistible
voices clamored from every corner
this time I let go
comes the call, irresistible,
and I find myself sliding, sliding
this time I let go
i did it
i find myself sliding, sliding –
gravity got me after all
i did it –
finally stopped struggling
gravity got me after all –
pulled me right under
finally stopped struggling
i’d held my ground so many times
pulled me right under
the dragging weight – at last
i’d held my ground so many times
the dragging weight – at last
comes the call, irresistible
voices clamored from every corner
this time I let go
comes the call, irresistible,
this time I let go
i did it
i find myself sliding, sliding –
gravity got me after all
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