Thursday, January 24, 2008

How Did This Turn Into My Poetry Blog?

Not that I mind, really. I enjoy writing it and Lord knows I could use some feedback.

One person’s cheese (product)

With thanks to Linda McDonald

Someone once said:
“One person’s cheese
is another person’s salvation.”
Well, my sights are set a little lower.
So lay off.
This cheese (product) is mine.
I’ll melt it and drizzle it
all over the page if I want.
You can use the Brie or Camembert
and save the world,
but I’ll stick with the cheese (product).
It may be smooth and bland,
but I find it comforting.
So while you’re out worshipping the Gruyere,
I’ll be curled up on the couch with a margarita,
some chips and salsa,
and my cheese (product).

Thought I'd better lighten up a little. Believe it or not, some of my stuff is mighty depressing. But the thought that what might be cheesy to one person might actually touch someone else helps me to be a bit less contained when I write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't your blog be about poetry, especially when you enjoy it and you do it so well. I look forward to your posts! Keep them coming.