Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Am I Crazy?

Am I Crazy?

If my interior monologue leaks out from time to time
If I was embarrassed yesterday for something I did a decade ago
If I occasionally get the urge to run away from home
If I wonder how people will feel when I die
If I feel 20 even though I'm pushing 40
If I still lie to my mother to avoid conflict
If I get the urge to crawl under something when I'm stressed
Am I crazy or brilliantly eccentric?

Obviously this blog could be about a lot of things - the approach of middle age, family relationships, fair-to-middling poetry, or insecurity, to name a few. Actually, in my family, we're pretty proud of our craziness. I've even taught my kids that it's okay. Craziness or brilliant eccentricity, whatever you want to call it, seems like a pretty decent topic to me.


INTRI-KATE said...

I love've got a great outlook and, ya know what? I totally lie to my mother to avoid conflict, too. Looks like we're both brilliantly eccentric.

I look forward to reading more of your posts!

Anonymous said...

There is a LOT of it going around! Normal is just so...boring!

Vin Diesel's Biggest Fan said...

I love it! I feel the same way, sometimes a thought will float through and I'll think why did I do that? And it was something I did forever I can't wait to read more of your posts!

Anonymous said...

lost wanting help i can not seem to figure out how to link my blog to the class oh help please my emails are
thanks mary

On a Desk said...

I am all agreeing. I avoid my mother. period. to avoid anything at all that may resemble conflict or anything uncomfortable. I hate that.

samiebrown said...

Are you eccentric or crazy...hmmmm, I'd have to say, do I really have to say what I think, are you sure you really want to know what I think....Well OK! I think you're just plain nuts! But then so am I and that is why we constantly question as to if we are crazy. If we were crazy, we would not have to question it, we would get a State check that would indicate we are crazy. As far as being eccentric--probably that too.

StarScholar said...

I think all of us are all still children, at heart. I lie to my mother, still! She is 80 and I am 46, just to avoid conflict! I think you are brillantly eccentric... because this sounds like me, and I'm not crazy!